For many, meditation is one of the most intriguing practices of all time. Individuals are seeking reduced anxiety, a peaceful mind and an unbreakable inner peace. Dedicating yourself to a meditation practice can provide you all of these and more!
Meditation is an common practice across ancient cultures. Historically meditation has been linked to spirituality and seeking enlightenment. Today it still may be used in these realms, but in Western Cultures, meditation is most commonly used to narrow the focus of the mind and relieve stress.
Yoga is often paired with meditation. In India, the yoga practice was developed to move and stretch the body, preparing it for extended periods of seated meditation. Once your body is open, energy and blood is flowing and you’re fully present, it feels natural to sit and meditate.
There are many types of Mediation. Here are a few common forms:
Sound Meditation: with closed eyes listening to one repeated sound or song
Breath Meditation: with closed eyes focusing on the natural rhythm of your breath
Image Meditation: with open eyes focusing on a shape or image such as the flame of a candle
Guided Visualization Meditation: with closed eyes, someone is leading you through a visualization
Eventually these become easy and you will feel natural, stilling still, focusing on one thing. This finite focus pours over into your day, allowing you to be fully present with the one thing you are doing. If you are washing the dishes, you are just washing the dishes. You are not thinking about what you will do next, or something that had happened earlier that day. If you are always thinking about the past or the future you are never fully experiencing the present moment with everything it has to offer! Don’t worry, most of us do this because multi-tasking is productive, right! Well, maybe it is productive, but it takes away the beauty and therefore, joy in each moment.
The goal is to SEE and ENJOY the BEAUTY within each moment. Encourage yourself to live fully in the present, releasing the past and allowing the future to unfold naturally.
Like everything in life, meditation is a practice. Commitment and consistent dedication to a meditation practice is recommended for best results!
Let Madison help you get there by booking a session with her!
Meditation will fall under a Yoga Session. Madison likes to pair yoga with mediation, even if its a simple gentle flow, to prepare you for Meditation.
Select the Scheduling Tap above to schedule your next Meditation with Madison!